CURRICULUM VITAE (Versione Italiano)
- NOME: Valeria D'Eramo
- CONTATTO: valeria.harbinson@ntlworld.com
- DATO DI NASCITA: 31 Agosto 1966
- CONIUGATO: Sposata
- 1974-1980 Lisnagarvey High School & Lisburn College:- GCE O Level Mathemetics, English, Physics & Technical Drawing
- 1981-1985 Lisburn College:- BTEC Ordinary & Higher National Certificate in Mechanical & Production Engineering
- Apr. 2000-Present:- Finished Artist/Mac Operator - Alexander Boyd Displays, Lambeg, Lisburn
- Translating/Modifying artwork for output to print (screen & inkjet) - using Photoshop 5.0, Illustrator 9.0, Freehand 9.0, Quark 4.0
- Producing forme drawings for punch work ie. display units, dump bins.
- Producing artwork for Billboards, Adshels, Posters, Banners, Stickers etc.
- Jan. 1995-Feb. 2000:- Print Shop Manager - Secretarial Services, 32 Market Square, Lisburn
- Dealing with both the Public and Businesses, quoting prices, taking orders and advising.
- Supervising staff and delegating work.
- Implementing structures to reduce downtime and ensure realisation of deadlines.
- Buying materials and controlling stock.
- Typesetting and graphics.
- Advertising, attracting business and instilling confidence.
- Accounts.
- Dealing with complaints.
- Sept. 1988-Oct. 1994:- Production Engineer - Camco, Doagh Road, Monkstown, Newtownabbey
- Programming of Computerised Numerical Control Machining Centres.
- Tooling.
- Process Planning.
- Computer Aided Manufacture.
Sept. 1983-Aug. 1988:- CNC Programmer - James Mackie & Sons Ltd., Springfield Rd, Belfast
- Programming of Computerised Numerical Control Milling Machines.
- Tooling.
- Computer Aided Manufacture.
- Feb. 1981-Aug. 1983:- Semi-skilled Machine Operator - James Mackie & Sons Ltd., Springfield Rd, Belfast
- Setting and operating Conventional Milling Machines.
Over the past few years I have taught myself the Italian language, the reason being to enable me to communicate with the girl to whom I am now married. My wife and I have also held Italian classes in our home.
I am now in the process of teaching myself HTML and Web Design and have worked a little with Dreamweaver and Fireworks.
CURRICULUM VITAE (English Version)
- NOME: Valeria Harbinson
- CONTATTO: valeria.harbinson@ntlworld.com
- DATO DI NASCITA: 31st August 1966
- CONIUGATO: Married
- 1974-1980 Lisnagarvey High School & Lisburn College:- GCE O Level Mathemetics, Lingua Inglese, Physics & Technical Drawing
- 1981-1985 Lisburn College:- BTEC Ordinary & Higher National Certificate in Mechanical & Production Engineering
- Apr. 2000-Present:- Finished Artist/Mac Operator - Alexander Boyd Displays, Lambeg, Lisburn
- Preperazione di Artwork per stampare (seragrafia,tipografia & inkjet) - sta usando Photoshop 5.0, Illustrator 9.0, Freehand 9.0, Quark 4.0
- Producing forme drawings for punch work ie. display units, dump bins.
- Producing artwork for Billboards, Adshels, Posters, Banners, Stickers etc.
- Gen. 1995-Feb. 2000:- Print Shop Manager - Secretarial Services, 32 Market Square, Lisburn
- Dealing with both the Public and Businesses, quoting prices, taking orders and advising.
- Supervising staff and delegating work.
- Implementing structures to reduce downtime and ensure realisation of deadlines.
- Buying materials and controlling stock.
- Typesetting and graphics.
- Advertising, attracting business and instilling confidence.
- Accounts.
- Dealing with complaints.
- Sept. 1988-Oct. 1994:- Production Engineer - Camco, Doagh Road, Monkstown, Newtownabbey
- Programming of Computerised Numerical Control Machining Centres.
- Tooling.
- Process Planning.
- Computer Aided Manufacture.
Sept. 1983-Aug. 1988:- CNC Programmer - James Mackie & Sons Ltd., Springfield Rd, Belfast
- Programming of Computerised Numerical Control Milling Machines.
- Tooling.
- Computer Aided Manufacture.
- Feb. 1981-Aug. 1983:- Semi-skilled Machine Operator - James Mackie & Sons Ltd., Springfield Rd, Belfast
- Setting and operating Conventional Milling Machines.
Over the past few years I have taught myself the Italian language, the reason being to enable me to communicate with the girl to whom I am now married. My wife and I have also held Italian classes in our home.
I am now in the process of teaching myself HTML and Web Design and have worked a little with Dreamweaver and Fireworks.